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Chez Nous is always home to our graduates! 
There are plenty of ways to stay connected to Notre Dame.  Please consider participating in our annual College Panel and Career Fair, attending the Chez Nous Benefit and the Annual Reunion, keeping us up-to-date on your personal and professional life by submitting a class note for our alumnae magazine Encore Chez Nous, and of, course, supporting the school with a gift to our Annual Fund.  Below, you can hear from some of our alumnae directly.  Clearly, a Notre Dame education makes a difference in our students' lives.

Johanna Vespe Aulisa '01

"At Notre Dame, your classmates were there to prop you up.  The sky was the limit in terms of your goals and aspirations because you felt so safe."

Monique Sulle Bowen '90

"Notre Dame changed me.  I gained a different sense of myself.  I grew up, turned outward, and found and developed a public voice."

Patricia Cullen '73

"I sense that at the Notre Dame of today you can be a smart, competitive person but one who will always have respect and admiration for others."