Counseling Center

College Advisement

Notre Dame School strives to facilitate each student’s human, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth in a warm, nurturing environment.

College Advisement

The Notre Dame School Counseling Department has its own website dedicated entirely to the college application process as the information is extensive. Students may use the site to learn all about applying to college. It includes links to learning the important steps of the application process, applying for scholarships, and registering for standardized tests. Students will also find other great resources from the counseling office, including information about internships and after-school programs. To visit the Counseling Department’s website CLICK HERE!

Notre Dame School Uses Naviance
Naviance is a comprehensive college, career and life readiness solution that helps districts and schools align student strengths and interests to postsecondary goals.  All students are introduced to naviance in 9th grade during their counsel classes. Some of the features students explore in 10th and 11th grade are:

College Lookup: This research tool provides comprehensive information on thousands of colleges. In addition to general and admissions information, further data is presented on academics, cost and financial aid, student body characteristics, extracurricular and athletic programs. A link to each college’s website is provided.

College Search: Enter criteria such as size, location, cost, availability of specific majors or athletic programs, and students can produce a list of colleges that meet their criteria.

In senior year, Naviance is used as a communication tool for counselors and teachers to the student’s colleges. We send information such as the school profile, transcript and letter of recommendation.
ND’s Three Counselors Guide Each Student All Four Years

9th Grade:
 Applying to college is a process that engages every ND student and their families. This process begins in ninth grade, when students are encouraged to do their best in the college preparatory curriculum at Notre Dame.

10th Grade: Our students continue to devote themselves to their studies, hone their interests in extra-curricular activities, take their first AP course, and take the PSAT for the second time. In counseling classes, we administer the interest Inventory- Holland Code and Personality test, as well as go over Healthy relationships, time management, introduction to Naviance and their college research project.

11th Grade:
 As first-semester juniors, students are selected for AP classes and they take the PSAT, which enters them in the National Merit Scholarship Program. They also take the Career Interest Inventory, which helps them find appropriate college majors and career options. Second semester, students sign-up for the SAT and ACT tests. They create personal resumes that highlight their scholarship, enrichment programs, and volunteer and work experiences.

Group counseling classes are focused on teaching students what to look for in a college. Students use the school’s computer lab and they have time to take virtual tours on individual college websites. Individualized special planning sessions with their counselors help them to become familiar with ten to twenty colleges.  By the end of junior year, students have selected colleges that fit into one of three categories: reach, target, and likely. Over the summer, students hit the road and begin to visit their college choices and start the interview process.

All students receive a detailed College Process Handbook. Students meet with their counselor in the spring of their junior year and the fall of their senior year.

12th Grade:
 First-semester senior year is the time for students to apply to colleges. Selective colleges visit Notre Dame to recruit our seniors and actually interview them at ND. Favorite college visitors from over forty schools include representatives from: Columbia University, Carnegie Mellon, College of the Holy Cross, Fordham University, Lehigh University, Marist College, University of Scranton, University of Notre Dame, and the University of Pennsylvania.

Essay writing is a strength of Notre Dame students that is well used as they write and edit personal essays throughout their academic careers. Resumes are polished and applications are sent electronically before Christmas break. During the second semester, we await the college decisions and celebrate the positive responses from some of the nation’s top colleges and universities. We are are always impressed with our students’ accomplishments as we post scholarship awards that match the seniors’ hopes and dreams.

Our enrollment is at full capacity, and 100% of our graduates are accepted to four-year colleges and universities. Over 94% of graduates over the last nine years have been awarded academic scholarships towards their undergraduate program.

Standardized Examinations:
 The Major Types of College Admissions Tests
  • PSAT/NMSQT: Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
  • SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test
  • ACT: American College Testing Program
  • AP: Advanced Placement Tests